Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May we have more poetry please?

Last Friday night’s Poetry Scene featured Geoff Peterson. His distinctive voice captivated the audience. The night started with open mic and some great readings from new and regular attendees. The night ended with Peterson reading from his new release “She dropped me in the middle of nowhere and other poems by Geoff Peterson.” Poems mostly from his past along with some new ones written about his past. It is always a pleasure to listen to Peterson read.

Last Saturday night at Poet’s Hall did not disappoint when promised the World's Nastiest Poetry Reading Ever. What a blast. If you missed it, you missed on helluvan evening. I for one am hoping this will be an annual event.

Some upcoming events not to miss:

Wednesday, May 25 @ 6:00 pm
Features Chuck Joy and Kurt Sahlman
Baybreeze Lounge, Open Mic
25 East 10th St # 1
Erie, PA 16501-1443
(814) 454-4160

Friday, May 27 @ 6:30 pm 

Poetry Scene  at 

137 East 13th St.

Erie, PA, 16503
Open Mic. Everyone is invited to sit and listen, read your own or someone else's poetry. Relax and enjoy coffee, tea or a soft drink and a tasty pastry.

Saturday, May 28 @ 8:00 p.m.

Poetry Scene Prime Time

Open Mic. Everyone is invited Come tonight or you will have to wait until fall for this great venue to reopen.

Erie, PA

Saturday, June 25, 2011 5:00pm - 8:30pm
Organized by Heidi Blakeslee
This is the third annual Poetry in the Park event

Lake Erie Arboretum at Frontier Park
8th and Bayfront Parkway, Erie, PA 16507